Tuesday, November 24, 2009

More Registration

I'm a sucker. It was only $13 to buy the protection plan for my stroller (including free replacement!), and it seemed worth it. But they don't tell you that just paying them isn't enough; you have to go home and register your stroller. That means remembering to actually call and remembering to actually keep the receipt long enough for it to last through an Annie-sized round of to-do piles. It didn't. I bought this stroller and the plan forever ago, and I've never registered it. Corporate America is smart. And now they have my $13 but owe me nothing. Fail.

1 comment:

Marianne & Clayton said...

My wedding ring? Same deal. Little did I know that it required me bringing it in for a "checkup" every 6 months. HA! Now, little missing diamond? My problem. Durr.